you see people around places. moxie I'd see around. always in the same spaces that she and all those muted color usc art kids (and attached scenes) would be at. some art thing lacking color, some random show that julie would play at that'd I only go to because zoe was gonna be vending or displaying art—I think moxie and I actually first met (+potentially had a conversation at) was at the five leaf clover fashion show (11/30/22) zoe and ashlynn were showing off original designs. hayls was also there modeling for zoe. I volunteered my time and got some photos, bts and of the show itself that no one used because it wasn't recorded with an aged camcorder. they love grunginess, almost to an extent that it feels like pretending. at the end of the day though no one cares though. what we fuck with is what we like, and I like that shit too.
anyway, moxie was there taking photos with her point and shoot. we're both just people trying to document it all for ourselves and the future gens that wanna know how we got around to it.

I don't know anything about nyxiie. we had met the day I came over to moxie's to do the archive shoot, 8/9/24. I didn't even know she was gonna be in the shoot but I loved it. there's always an altered dynamic with another person, I'd only done two other couples (none have broken up yet, so far)—julia and alan (anti-vax mandate folks, now archived) and brando with emma. I will say, mox and nyx weren't the first to kiss on camera. it does get awkward whenever those situations arise though. I get anxious it'll somehow turn into some kind of debaucherous, home sex photoshoot–which I don't mind but let a guy mentally prepare first, yeesh.

in the walls of the room, there is permanent ephemera. polaroids put up on the wall in the shape of a heart. that one fucking face that people keep seeing around LA, various art pieces from artists including from familiar friends (zoe). I love seeing how we get involved in the subcultures in this city, I love being able to drift between them all—documenting the people who make them what they are. both the creators and the ones that give credence to their makings. moxie has her slice of the pie too. collecting all these things. helping document through creation like the contributions she's had with versed magazine. we're all out here, man. trying to be part of it all. I'm looking forward to seeing how much further moxie can push it. I know she's got it.