I met luna when taylor hosted some kinda soiree at their apartment's outdoor patio back in 2021—not too long after vaccines started rolling out. I don't remember the occasion, probably some birthday or an implied yearning for human connection. luna was attending yale and was working on a short documentary about young artists. we exchanged phone numbers to talk about it because of an anti social-media phase she committed to.
we've met not that often since then. with years left of her finishing school up to that point and our circles only overlapping from the same few people, there wasn't a reason for us to be together anywhere. wherever I'd be, I wouldn't expect her. It's never displeasure when we did end up in the same social outing though. despite not knowing someone beyond their name and association, you always catch their vibe and know when they're good people.  luna is, of course.

I didn't know luna was from los angeles. born here, raised here. everyone that I know through taylor I assume is from out of town. she picked me up from my place and we got lunch before heading to her home. this shoot wasn't intended to be for the series. I had a free day and put out a call looking for anyone that's down to take photos for fun. photography had become so money centric and I'd neglect the the reasons I even bothered with it in the first place, I had to break the pattern I trapped myself in, so I posted that call on instagram. luna answered. we wound up taking photos just at home so I decided to just make it for the archive. we'd always meant to do it, so I just pivoted.
we were in her childhood bedroom. proper fucking childhood. I geeked out a little bit over some of the stuff in there—not to out luna as a nerd (if going to yale wasn't enough of a giveaway). I'm talking mad doctor who screwdriver and tardis, old handmade wizarding wands, and I'm sure there's probably an old computer with browsing history leading to fandom tumblr accounts—that's just speculation though, sorry luna. it's hard to run away from that portion of our past when it's literally surrounding us.
lord knows I had a little doctor who kick. I'd even slip into a terrible english accent sometimes. oh god.
I told luna to send me all the different film projects she's worked on barring the one she's deep into making right now since it isn't ready yet. I've been meaning to allow myself to indulge in the art of my friends. there's such an instilled fear of being a fan that I hate—fan culture fucking sucks, but there is a line between enjoying the shit your pals make and sending death threats to people out of blind stanning. I'm leaning towards be doing the former.
I'll watch it all, luna.

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